08 Feb13:25pm

Electron source with LaB6 emitter and flexible high tension between 20 and 200 kV
Twin objective lens for high contrast and high tilt applications
Side-mounted CCD Olympus Veleta with 2k x 2k MP, high field of view and fast read-out rates for real time observation
Bottom mounted CCD FEI Eagle, 4k x 4k MP, HS scintillator
EDS thanks to EDAX DPP-II analyzer with Si (Li) detector
Low-dose control software mode for electron beam damage protection of the samples.
Xplore3D software for automated tomography control.
Inspect3D software for post alignment of tomograms.
Amira software for 3D reconstruction.
Sample holders:
- Single tilt
- Low background (for EDS applications) double tilt
- Fischione 2020 advanced tomography holder
- GATAN Tomography holder for samples at room temperature.
- GATAN Cryo-station for transferring of cryo-samples to the cryo-holder, previously vitrified of frozen with the high-pressure system.
U28-E07. FEI Tecnai G2 20 TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope + Cryo-TEM U28-E07. FEI Tecnai G2 20 TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope + Cryo-TEM U28-E07. FEI Tecnai G2 20 TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope + Cryo-TEM